Background: We sought to compare Pneumovax®23 responses in adults with subnormal IgG subclass\nconcentrations. We studied adults with normal total IgG, frequent/severe respiratory infection, and subnormal IgG1,\nIgG3, or IgG1 + IgG3 before and after Pneumovax®23. We defined response as serotype-specific IgG > 1.3 microg/mL\nand aggregate response as IgG > 1.3 microg/mL for Grater than equal to 70% of all serotypes tested. We compared patients with and\nwithout serotype-specific responses and performed logistic regression on aggregate responses using: age; male sex;\nbody mass index; autoimmune condition(s); atopy; other allergies; subnormal IgGSc immunophenotypes; IgA; and\nIgM...............................